
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in July 2019 2021-04-30 08:06:34


With the joint efforts of all employees, the company successfully completed the production task in the first half of 2019

On July 19, the company held a semi-annual meeting with the participation of all employees to summarize the experience and gaps, and make full preparations for the more severe challenges in the second half of the year:

First of all, the external teacher explained part of the content of "DAXUE", and gave everyone a vivid traditional Chinese culture lesson of "The Way of the DAXUE, in Mingmingde, in the People, and in the Perfection". Although the time is short, it is very beneficial. In particular, for "conscious" and "conscious", each has its own cognition and harvest, which has positive significance for the improvement of personal quality and the promotion of company culture.

On the occasion of the annual meeting, the release ceremony of the company's promotional video and the draft of the company's main control process was held. The release of the company's promotional video and the company's main control process reflects the continuous improvement of the company's culture, the continuous improvement of the company's management level, and the continuous improvement of the company's soft power.


According to their actual work, the management gave speeches on the theme of "Gains, Gaps, Understandings, and Impressions". Everyone expressed their opinions with full enthusiasm; Deeply analyze the gaps in order to continuously improve in future work; Everyone is grateful for the platform built by the company, cherishes their respective jobs, shows positive efforts, and makes every effort to give full play to their own value to repay the company's determination.


Mr. Guan made a summary of the company's operating conditions in the first half of the year, praised the employees with outstanding work performance in the first half of the year, and proposed that the key work in the second half of the year should be implemented in "operation guarantee, system construction, base construction and business development". Among them, system construction is an important part of the continuous improvement of management, and it is necessary to focus on the implementation: the construction of production system, development system, quality system, logistics system, operation system, management system, financial system, and non-production procurement system.


Finally, Mr. Guan encouraged with the following words:

  Today was cruel, we worked hard, we enjoyed the beauty of the process, today is beautiful!

  Tomorrow will be cruel, we will continue to work hard, and tomorrow will be beautiful too!

  The day after tomorrow is still cruel, we still work hard, and the day after tomorrow will be better!

      We just have to keep working hard

      No matter how cruel it is, we will get better and better!