
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in March 2020 2021-04-30 09:01:37

The pandemic has had a huge impact on all walks of life, and our operations have also been greatly impacted, with a 37% year-on-year decline in operating results in the first quarter. The sharp decline in performance warns us that we must establish a sense of crisis, actively look for various opportunities, make full use of our geographical advantages, people and advantages, and work hard in adversity to minimize the losses caused by the epidemic.

1.When the epidemic situation was still severe in March, in order to ensure the safety of employees, the company implemented the AB shift work system. All employees of the company have overcome difficulties, whether they are working at work or working from home, they have adhered to their posts and actively performed their duties to ensure the production of customers and the company's basic business activities

2. The construction and continuous improvement of the company's various systems provide a strong guarantee for remote office and online meetings, make it possible to work from home, and lay the foundation for the AB shift work system, which is a symbol of the company's strength.


3. With the continuous escalation of the overseas epidemic, the normal production and supply of our overseas suppliers are greatly threatened. In order to control the supply risk of overseas suppliers and ensure the production of BBAC, the operation of the Business Department 1 and all overseas suppliers held a meeting one by one to confirm the supply risk and formulate an emergency plan to prevent accidents;


4. In the extraordinary period, theBU2 did not forget the extraordinary mission, actively explored the market, successfully entered the Sinotruk commercial vehicle platform, and has placed bulk orders. The staff of the BU2 is fully prepared and makes persistent efforts to win the bid for more order shares of Sinotruk and further development of other markets;;

5. At the severe moment of the epidemic in China, our partners POSCO, Thyssen, voestalpine, Antong TEDA, and Agile Network provided us with epidemic prevention materials. At present, the situation in Europe is severe, the company has generously responded to the epidemic, allocated our epidemic prevention materials in a timely manner, and donated masks to Thyssen and Arcelor. Although the number is limited, the love knows no bounds.


6. During the extraordinary period, in order to alleviate the pressure brought by the epidemic, the company organized the "Celebration of the 38th Talent Show" activity. In the face of the cruel epidemic, everyone actively participated in the activities, and the content displayed was rich and colorful, showing that the company was full of talents, and we spent a very special Women's Day in an extraordinary period;

7.In order to ensure the safety of employees and reduce the risk of infection during commuting, the company has made every effort to implement point-to-point commuting to pick up and drop off employees. In particular, the relevant L3 managers not only bear the business pressure of extraordinary times, but also take on the heavy responsibility of picking up and dropping off employees, reflecting the extraordinary responsibility of leading cadres in extraordinary times.