
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in December 2022 2023-01-15 08:16:32

At the beginning of December, the country ended the three-year closed management of the anti-epidemic model in a fully liberalized manner. Before we had time to relax, we ushered in more severe challenges, and employees in various positions were positive in turn, and production and operation encountered huge difficulties. In the face of this unprecedented impact, the employees of all departments and teams worked together to turn negative and immediately put themselves into intense work before they recovered. In particular, the employees represented by Song Chen who are fighting in the front-line positions are not afraid of difficulties, overcome many difficulties, and ensure the timely distribution of goods and the normal production of customers with amazing perseverance.


1.After three years of fighting the epidemic, we have delivered a satisfactory answer:

1.1.The BU1 team has strategized and withstood the challenges of the global supply chain crisis, ensured production and supply, fulfilled its mission, and completed its business goals in 2022.

1.2.The development team of BU4 worked hard and forged ahead, and successfully expanded the company's territory in the dismal market and fierce competition, and exceeded the development plan for 2022.

1.3. All employees of the company worked together to overcome all difficulties, lived up to expectations, and achieved the company's business goal of 2 billion yuan in 2022.


2.Airport base upgrade

2.1.The young project team has the courage to take responsibility and dedication; In the study, we improved management, summarized experience in practice, and successfully completed the transformation and upgrading task of the airport base in 2022, making due contributions to the company's cost saving and lean management.

2.2.Through benchmarking with high-end customers and large steel mills, the construction plan of BASR Laboratory has been completed. The procurement of long-term testing equipment such as the Zwick 250KN universal tensile testing machine in Germany and the ZEISS EVO scanning electron microscope in Germany has been completed, laying the foundation for the operation of the laboratory in June 2023.

2.3. The professional third-party organization hired by the company conducted a comprehensive "dual control" standardized audit of the airport base, conducted a comprehensive assessment of equipment, facilities, production safety, etc., and completed the evaluation report. This report provides a standard for our future "dual control" work and is a guide for our production safety management.


3.Management improvement

3.1.According to the evaluation of each employee's job qualifications and the exchange of opinions with the direct leaders, the company's human resources put forward suggestions for the development direction and improvement of each employee, and conducted in-depth and open interviews with employees. Through the interviews, we heard the real voices of employees and suggestions for the company's management improvement, which is the direction of our management improvement in 2023.


4.Happy New Year's Day

4.1.On the eve of the New Year of 2023, the company's management visited the airport base to express condolences to all the employees who are fighting in the production line and to connect with the employees of logistics technology quality of BU1 to welcome 2023.

4.2.At the party, the experienced employees were excited about the company's rapid development and remarkable achievements; The new employees are proud of the fact that the company can provide such a good development platform.

Before the party, Mr. Guan delivered an enthusiastic speech, thanking every employee for their hard work, expressing that every employee is the pride of the company, wishing everyone good health, continue to work together in the same boat, full of confidence, and meet the challenging 2023.